
Recommended BMD Elements

We acknowledge that different enterprises will undoubtedly have a wide range of Cultural Outcomes to pursue. Similarly, Components and Capabilities will vary from organization to organization. We propose the following as starting points for the majority of enterprises

Developer Experience

The ability for the enterprise to provide a seamless and productive working environment for individual contributors, enhancing their comfort, productivity and job satisfaction


The ability for the enterprise to ensure that their output operates within their expectations as well as that of the customer’s

Site Reliability Engineering

The enterprise’s ability to sustain agreed-upon service levels of their product, to the expectations of their customers and other stakeholders


The enterprise’s ability to provide customers and stakeholders with timely and effective support and guidance in matters related to the products and services sold by the enterprise


The enterprise’s ability to convert business requirements to delivered product in a targeted deployment environment


The ability for the enterprise to operate a secure environment and supply chain in the process of delivering value to the customer


The capability of the enterprise to perform routine maintenance and operational fitness on the components that are involved in the delivery of product to the customer

Scope and Capacity Management

The ability to maintain control of the amount and type of work being done. This capability is what allows an organization to deliver to timelines while minimizing burnout.

Skillset Engineering

The ability to effectively cultivate, match and allocate individual or team skill-sets with tactical or strategic needs.

Opportunity Engineering

The ability to provide individuals and teams avenues to grow, exercise their creativity and autonomy

Customer Relationship Management

The enterprise’s ability to connect the organization to the customer’s needs and expectations

Communication Loops

The capability to provide sustained, regular opportunities for bi-directional real-time communications across the organization

Context Sharing

The ability to ensure that relevant and necessary context is readily available to interested parties. This capability sustains engagement and autonomy at all levels of the organization.

Goals Engineering

The ability to define S.M.A.R.T. targets focused on the growth of an individual. Grow the individual to grow the organization

Goodwill Management

The ability to maintain a positive and good faith work environment.

The enterprise is at liberty to define its own capabilities, to accommodate its niche or other unique contexts. Ultimately, what is most important is that the enterprise be able to account for specific people, processes and tools - components - that will fulfill each available capability